Homeowners, researchers and corporations alike are beginning to take a serious look at preventing fracking accidents in America. Depending who you ask, who they work for, and what time of the day it is, you may be met with a large amount of corporate rhetoric when the topic of fracking safety is raised.
Who has the Facts About Fracking Accidents in America?
Alternatively, ask any home owner or concerned individual and they will tell you stories of mysterious illnesses, foul tastes and smells in their tap water… or most shocking of all, they will lead you right into the kitchen and demonstrate how they are able to set the water flowing out of their faucets on fire!
What’s the truth? Is fracking totally safe or is it dangerous? This informational video will explain:
As you can see, not enough information has been made public to make a factual determination on fracking safety.
Despite this, one thing is certain – nobody benefits from contaminated land and water. One of the best ways to prevent fracking accidents due to negligence is to have a properly trained workforce functioning as an organized, streamlined machine.
That is where Business Intuition comes in.
Business Intuition – Preventing Fracking Accidents in America
Keeping the workforce on your fracking job site organized and working uniformly, you need top-tier management software to help streamline operations. With Business Intuition’s fast, easy and efficient Well Management Software, you can better keep track of the small details that can lead to a big fracking mess!
Business Intuiton’s Well Management Software contains tools for managing:
Daily drilling reports
- Wellbore schematic
- Well cost accounting
- Well completion report
- Workover report
- Mud properties
- Bit tally records
- Custom programming
- Hosted data solutions
- Data analysis
- Master data management
A disorganized job site is an easy hurdle to overcome when you use Business Intuition’s Well Management Software! Track multiple statistics across multiple modules on multiple job sites and have instant access to these statistics with a click of your mouse!
You can Count on Business Intuition
Business Intuition is a Dallas / Fort Worth based company, owned by our parent company, Business Intuition. Here at Business Intuition, the focus of our company is geared towards providing oil and gas companies with effective solutions for drilling cost problems!
Our software engineers have a working understanding of the constraints of the oil industry. Our software is designed to help you cut costs at every point during the drilling process.
If you want better control over your drilling costs, and a better understanding of the drilling data, then our software is just the thing you need!